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정말 좋은 달리기. 어느정도로 시작 해야할까?🏃‍♀️

by agrowingmanlee💪🏻 2024. 9. 5.


달리기와 관련해 여러가지 주제로 글을 올렸는데 도움이 되셨나요?

여러가지 이점과 효과, 통증에 대한 예방과 이유, 해결 등등 다방면으로 접근해 보다 많은 분들이 달리기를 시작하길 바랬는데, 정작 본인에게 맞는 달리기의강도는 추천 드리지 않았더군요.


그래서 오늘 준비한 포스팅은 본인에게 맞는 달리기 강도입니다.



우리는 달리기를   어느 정도로 달려야 할까요??


도스리스판스 커브라는 그래프를 예를 들어 설명을 해보자면, 어떠한 약물이 일정량 이하에서는 약효를 발휘하지 못하고 일정량 이상이 되어야만 치료적인효과를 발휘하며, 너무 과한 양은 부작용을 나타낼  있다는 것을 나타낸 그래프입니다.


 그래프에서 말하는 약물과 달리기를 같은 항목으로 생각 하시면   같습니다.

건강을 위해 시작한 달리기가 오히려  몸을 망치고 있다면 그것만큼 어리석은 일이 없을  싶습니다.

그래서 역치점을 어느정도 상회하면서 몸에 무리가 가지 않는 범위로 강도를 설정해서 운동하는 것이 매우 중요합니다.


본질적인 얘기를 해보자면 달리기를 위해서 얻는 가장  이점은 심폐지구력입니다.

그렇다면 자신의 심장과 폐에 어느정도 이상의 자극을   있는 강도로 운동을 하는 것이 가장 이상적인 방법이겠죠?


이것이 바로 운동 과부하의 법칙입니다. 


미국스포츠의학회인 acsm에서는 심폐지구력을 향상시키기 위한 운동 강도를 이렇게 권장합니다.


-        중강도의 유산소 운동은 주당 최소 5

-        고강도의 유산소 운동은 주당 최소 3

-        중고강도 혼합 유산소 운동은 주당 3~5


그렇다면 중강도와 고강도는 어느정도 수준일까라는 의문점이 듭니다.

여기서 말하는 중강도는 여유 심박수 또는 여유 산소 섭취량의 40~60%, 고강도는 60~90% 의미합니다.


그럼  여유심박수 여유산소섭취량 무엇일까? 라는 질문이 머릿속에 떠오릅니다.

여유 산소 섭취량을 측정하기 위해서는 개인이   없는 범주이며 병원에서 고가의 장비를 이용하여야 하기 때문에 넘어가겠습니다.


그렇기때문에 우리가 이용해야  운동강도 설정은 여유 심박수를 이용한 것입니다. 방법은 아래와 같습니다.

(최대심박수  안정심박수) X 운동강도 + 안정심박수 = 목표심박수


여기서 목표 심박수는 우리가 달리기를 하면서 나와야 하는 심박수입니다.

최대심박수 220 – 자신의 만나이 = 최대심박수

안정시 심박수 정적인 상태에서 요골동맥이나 경동맥을 짚어 측정하시거나 애플 워치나 갤럭시 워치  웨어러블 장치를 이용하셔서 측정하시면 됩니다.


 공식을 이용하여 제게 맞는 운동 강도를 성정 해보겠습니다.

최대 심박수: 220 – 26 = 194

안정 심박수: 70

운동 강도: 0.6

(194 – 70) X 0.6 + 70 = 156 나옵니다. 제가 보통 달리기를   160~70 사이를 왔다 갔다하는  보면  적당하게 달리고 있는  같습니다.


근데  강도가 60~70%일까요?

그건 어느 강도 이상에서 혈액 내에 젖산 농도가 급격하게 올라가는 지점이 있는데, 이것을 젖산 역치라고 합니다.

운동을 하지 않은 분들은 50~60%정도, 훈련된 사람들은 65~85% 정도에서 나타난다고 하는데,  젖산이 쌓이면서 우리 몸에 피로 물질이 같이 쌓이게 됩니다.


, 젖산 역치는 늦게 나타날 수록 심폐지구력이 좋다라고 표현   있는 것입니다.


심폐지구력을 향상시키기 위해서는  젖산 역치 수준의 강도 혹은 약간 높은 강도로 운동하는 것이 가장 효과적이라고 하고,  정도 강도가 60~70% 수준이라는 것입니다.


이렇게 자신에게 맞는 달리기 강도를 알아보았는데 도움이 되셨나요?

오늘 글은 여기까지입니다.

도움이 되셨다면 블로그 구독 부탁 드리겠습니다.








I've posted on various topics related to running, did it help you?
I wanted more people to start running by approaching various benefits and effects, prevention and reason for pain, and resolution, but I didn't recommend the intensity of running that suits me.

So the post I prepared today is 'the intensity of running that suits you'.

How much should we run when we run??

To illustrate a graph called the dosispans curve as an example, it shows that a drug does not work below a certain amount, but only after a certain amount, but can have a therapeutic effect, and an excessive amount can have side effects.

You can think of the drug and running as the same item in the graph above.
If running that I started for health is rather ruining my body, I don't think there's anything more foolish than that.
So it is very important to exercise by setting the intensity to a range that does not strain the body while exceeding the threshold point to some extent.

In essence, the biggest benefit of running is cardiopulmonary endurance.
Then, it would be ideal to exercise at an intensity that can stimulate your heart and lungs more than a certain amount, right?

This is the law of exercise overload. 

Acsm, an American sports medicine society, recommends exercise intensity to improve cardiopulmonary endurance.

- Medium-intensity aerobic exercise is at least 5 days per week
- High-intensity aerobic exercise is at least three days a week
- Medium-intensity mixed aerobic exercise 3 to 5 days a week

If so, the question arises, 'What is the level of medium and high strength?'
Medium intensity means 40 to 60% of free heart rate or free oxygen intake and 60 to 90% high intensity.

Then, the question of 'relaxation heart rate' and 'relaxation oxygen intake' comes to mind.
In order to measure the free oxygen intake, it's a category that individuals can't do, and the hospital has to use expensive equipment, so I'll move on.

That's why the exercise intensity setting we need to use is using an extra heart rate. Here's how.
(Maximum heart rate – Stable heart rate) X Exercise intensity + Stable heart rate = Target heart rate

Here, the target heart rate is the heart rate that we have to come out of running.
Maximum heart rate is 220 – your own age = maximum heart rate
At rest, the heart rate can be measured by pointing at the radial artery or carotid artery in a static state, or by using wearable devices such as Apple Watch or Galaxy Watch.

I will use the formula above to determine the intensity of exercise that suits me.
Maximum heart rate: 220 – 26 = 194
Stable heart rate: 70
Exercise intensity: 0.6
(194 – 70) X 0.6 + 70 = 156 comes out. Seeing that I usually go back and forth between 160 and 70 when I'm running, I think I'm running in moderation.

But why is the intensity 60-70%?
There is a point where the lactic acid concentration rises rapidly in the blood at a certain intensity or higher, which is called the 'lactic acid threshold'.
It is said that 50-60% of those who did not exercise and 65-85% of those who were trained appear. As this lactic acid builds up, fatigue builds up in our body.

In other words, the later the lactic acid threshold appears, the better the cardiopulmonary endurance.

In order to improve cardiopulmonary endurance, exercising at this level of lactic acid threshold or slightly higher intensity is said to be the most effective, and the intensity is 60 to 70%.

Did it help you find out the right running intensity for you like this?
That's all for today's writing.
If this has helped you, please subscribe to our blog.
Thank you.

