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단백질 얼마나 어떻게 섭취해야 할까?💪🏻

by agrowingmanlee💪🏻 2024. 9. 14.


여러분들은 단백질을 계산해서 드시는 편인가요? 저는 개인적으로 대략적인 양만 조절해서 먹는 편이라 한끼에 상당히 많은 단백질을 섭취할 때가 종종 있습니다.

과연 우리 몸은 얼마만큼의 단백질까지 한번에 흡수가 가능할까요?


오늘의 주제는 인체에서 받아 들일  있는 단백질 입니다.


단백질은 인체의 성장과 유지는 물론 효소, 호르몬, 조직  우리 몸이 정상적인 기능을 하는데 있어  섭취해야 하는 필수 영양입니다.

하지만 저를 포함한 글을 읽으시는 독자 분들도 운동을 위한 단백질 섭취가  목적일 것이라 생각합니다.


단백질 20g 섭취하면 우선 내장 조직에서 50% 흡수되고 나머지는 혈장에 순환되며, 근육에는 고작 10%, 대략 2g만이 근육 단백질 합성에 사용된다고합니다.


그래서 근육 단백질 합성을 위한 최대 단백질 섭취량을 연구한 논문을 들고 왔습니다.

Protein Ingestion to Stimulate Myofibrillar Protein Synthesis Requires Greater Relative Protein Intakes in Healthy Older Versus Younger Men 이란 논문에서 유청 단백질을 사용한 연구 결과인데 근육 단백질 합성이 나타나는 평균 섭취량은 kg 0.24g으로 생각보다 적었습니다.

이는 체중이 80kg이라면 19.2g 정도를 나타냅니다.


신뢰할 수 있는 표준 편차로는 최대 kg 0.3g까지 섭취율을 나타냈습니다.

만약 40g씩 단백질을 섭취한다면 아쉽게도 근육 단백질 합성의 추가 반응은 나타나지 않았으며, 오히려 필수 아미노산인 류신의 산화가 증가 되었다고 합니다.


또한 12시간동안 90분당 한번씩 10g, 3시간에 한번씩 20g, 6시간에 한번씩 40g의 유청 단백질을 섭취한 결과, 운동을 하지 않았을 경우 10g 섭취는 19%로 근육 단백질 합성율이 20g 40g의 단백질 섭취에 비해 현저히 낮았고, 이 둘은 2배의 섭취량 차이에도 불구하고 20g 섭취가 가장 높은 단백질 합성율을 나타냈습니다.


저항 운동 후 단백질 섭취로는 역시 10g의 섭취는 가장 낮았고 20g 35%, 40g 48%로 고작 13%정도 밖에 차이 나지 않았습니다.

(저는 13%라도 더 이득을 취하기 위해 40g을 먹겠습니다.)


하지만 이에 앞서 0.24g 3시간 간격의 20g이란 수치들은 유청 단백질만을 이용한 연구 결과이기 때문에 근비대를 위한 총 단백질 섭취 kg 2.2g의 섭취량을 충족시키기 위해서는 80kg인 사람은 176g의 단백질을 먹어야 하는데,

Kg 0.24g이니 80kg이면 대략 20g이고 176g 단백질을 20g 3시간 간격으로 섭취한다면 9번 정도 먹어야 하는데, 이는 자는 도중에 마셔도 부족합니다..


하지만 이 표와 같이 동일한 20g의 단백질 함량이지만 여러 가지 단백질 식품에는 그 밖의 다량 영양소와 섭취 방법에 따라 소화 흡수에 있어 아미노산의 혈중농도가 다르다는 것을 알 수 있습니다.


그러므로 단순 kg 0.24g의 단백질이 최적의 근육 단백질 합성을 위한 섭취량이라고 보기는 힘들고, 또한 제가 참고한 연구들은 고작 몇 주의 단기간의 연구 결과이기 때문에 Effect of Intake of Different Dietary Protein Sources on Plasma Amino Acid Profiles at Rest and After Exercise 이 논문에서는 앞선 논문이 다양한 변수가 있기에 확증된 결과가 아니라고도 합니다.


그렇기 때문에 소화 흡수가 빠른 유청 단백질이 아닌 육류, 계란, 유제품을 통해 단백질을 섭취할 경우 kg 0.4~0.6g의 단백질을 섭취하거나 일일 총 단백질 섭취량을 4등분 하여 섭취하라고 제안합니다.


이번 포스팅은 여기까지입니다.

저는 문과인데 이번 글에는 숫자 놀이가 너무 많아 머리가 아팠습니다.

다른 글에 비해 가독성이 떨어지더라도 이해 부탁드립니다.





Do you guys calculate your protein? Personally, I only eat about the right amount of protein, so I often eat a lot of protein per meal.
How much protein can our body absorb at once?

Today's topic is 'the amount of protein that the human body can accept'.

Protein is an essential nutrient that must be consumed for the growth and maintenance of the human body, as well as for the normal functioning of enzymes, hormones, and tissues.
However, I believe that the main purpose of your readers, including myself, is to consume protein for exercise.

When 20g of protein is consumed, 50% of the intestinal tissue is absorbed first, the rest is circulated in the plasma, and only 10% of the muscles, about 2g, are used for muscle protein synthesis.

So I brought a paper that studied the maximum protein intake for muscle protein synthesis.
In the paper "Protein Ingestion to Stimulate Myofibrillar Protein Synthesis Requirements Greater Relative Protein Intakes in Healthy Older Versus Younger Men", the average intake of muscle protein synthesis was 0.24g per kg, which was less than expected.
This represents about 19.2 grams if the weight is 80 kilograms.

As a reliable standard deviation, the intake rate was up to 0.3 g per kg.
Unfortunately, if you consume 40g of protein, there was no additional reaction to muscle protein synthesis, but rather the oxidation of 'leucine', an essential amino acid, was increased.

In addition, as a result of consuming 10g of whey protein every 90 minutes for 12 hours, 20g every 3 hours, and 40g every 6 hours, 10g intake was 19% without exercise, significantly lower than 20g and 40g protein intake, and the two showed the highest protein synthesis rate despite a double difference in intake.

In terms of protein intake after resistance exercise, 10g intake was also the lowest, with 20g being 35% and 40g being 48%, only 13% difference.
(I'll eat 40g to gain even 13% more.)

However, since the figures of 0.24g and 20g at 3-hour intervals are the results of a study using whey protein only, a person weighing 80kg must eat 176g of protein to meet the 2.2g intake per kg of total protein for muscle hypertrophy,
It's 0.24g per kilogram, so 80kg is approximately 20g, and if you eat 176g of protein every 3 hours, you have to eat about 9 times, which is not enough even if you drink it while sleeping..

However, although the protein content is the same as 20g as shown in this table, it can be seen that various protein foods have different blood concentrations of amino acids in digestion and absorption depending on other macronutrients and intake methods.

Therefore, it is difficult to say that 0.24g of protein per kg is an intake for optimal muscle protein synthesis, and the studies I referred to are only a few weeks of short-term research, so the previous paper, "Effect of Intake of Different Dietary Protein Sources on Plasma Amino Acid Profiles at Rest and After Excellence," is not a confirmed result because there are various variables.

Therefore, if you consume protein through meat, eggs, and dairy products rather than whey protein with fast digestion absorption, you should consume 0.4 to 0.6g of protein per kg or divide your daily total protein intake into quarters.

That's all for this posting.
I'm a liberal arts student, but I had a headache because there were too many numbers in this article.
Please understand even if it is less readable than other articles.
I'm sorry.

