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남성 호르몬에 도움이 되는 식품 5가지🍒

by agrowingmanlee💪🏻 2024. 9. 15.


운동을 하시는 많은 분들이라면 남성 호르몬이 근력과 근성장에 미치는 영향이 얼마나 중요한 부분인지 알고 계실  같은데요.

그렇기때문에 보충제부터 약물에 이르기까지 상당히 관심도가 높은 분야입니다. 

하지만 남성 호르몬이라는 것은 유전적인 요소도 상당하고 평소 식습관에 영향도 많이 받는다고 하기때문에 오늘 포스팅을 준비 해봤습니다.


오늘의 주제는 남성 호르몬을 증가 시켜줄 음식 5가지 입니다.



첫번째는 포화 지방과 단일 불포화 지방입니다.

많은 연구 결과에서는 하루  섭취 칼로리의 35~40% 정도를 식이 지방으로 섭취할  체내 남성 호르몬 분비량을 크게 증가시켜 준다고 알려줍니다.

 이유는 바로 남성 호르몬이 콜레스테롤에서 합성되기 때문인데요, 하지만 포화지방과 불포화 지방이 아니라 omega-6 많이 함유된 고도 불포화 지방의경우 체내 염증 반응을 유발하기 때문에 반대의 효과를 보이게 된다고 알려줍니다.


그렇기때문에 카놀라유 해바라기유 등의 섭취를 줄이는 대신 코코넛 오일과 계란 노른자와 같이 건강한 포화 지방과 콜레스테롤이 많이 함유  식품을 즐기시는 것을 추천 드리며, 그에 더해 올리브유와 같은 단일 불포화 지방의 경우 모로코 남성들을 대상으로 3주간 올리브 오일을 추가한 식단을 진행하였을  남성 호르몬의 분비가 17.4% 가량 증가했다고 알려줍니다.


많은 분들이 운동을 시작하면 단백질 양은 늘리고 지방과 탄수화물의 양은 줄이는데, 다이어트가 주된 목적이 아니라면 이런 식단은 남성 호르몬의 분비에 있어 좋은 식단법은 아니라고 합니다.


따라서 근성장이 목표라면 적절한 단백질 양과 함께 탄수화물과  좋은 지방을 먹어주는 것이 좋겠죠?


두번째 음식은 생강입니다.

설치류에서 진행한 많은 연구들에서 생강이 남성 호르몬 생성에 도움을   있다는 결과가 있습니다.

그에 더해 75명의 이라크 남성을 대상으로  실험 결과에서도 생강의 섭취는 남성호르몬 수치를 17.7%가량 증가 시켜주는 효과가 있었다고 합니다.

실제로 생강은 남성 호르몬의 형성을 도와주는 황체 형성 호르몬의 생산량을 증가시켜주는 효과가 있습니다.


세번째는 조개입니다.

 중에서 굴은 남성호르몬 증가에 굉장히 효과 있다고 알려져 있습니다.

그에 더해 조개류는 음식으로 섭취할  있는 가장 훌륭한 비타민D 공급처인데, 여러 연구 결과에서 알려 주는 것처럼 비타민D 남성호르몬은 서로 상관관계에 있고 태양에  오랜 시간 노출 되는 여름에 비타민D 남성 호르몬의 수치가 가장 높게 나왔다고 알려줍니다.


조개류는 비타민D 뿐만 아니라 굉장히 많은 양의 아연 또한 가지고 있는데, 아연의 부족은 남성 호르몬에 부정적인 영향을 주기 때문에 남성의 활력과 호르몬에 있어 굉장히 훌륭한 식품입니다.


네번째는 평지과 야채들 입니다.

브로콜리, 케일, 콜리플라워 등이 이에 해당하는 야채들인데, 체내에 생성된 남성 호르몬의 아로마타이즈 현상으로 소량이 여성호르몬으로 전환되게 됩니다.

평지과 식물은 Indole-3-carbinol   과정을 예방하는 역할을 수행한다고 합니다.

여성호르몬이 증가 할수록 남성호르몬 생성 물질인 황체 형성 호르몬의 분비를 억제하게 되기때문에  야채들을 챙겨 먹어주는 것이 도움이 됩니다.


마지막은 석류입니다.

55명을 대상으로 진행한 실험에서는 100% 석류 과즙을 2 동안 섭취한 결과 평균적으로 24% 남성호르몬 수치의 증가라는 결과를 가져왔다고 합니다.

석류 또한 평지과 식물처럼 남성호르몬의 아로마타이즈 효과를 억제해 주는 효과가 있다고 합니다.


오늘 이렇게 남성 호르몬을 증가 시켜주는 음식을 알아 보았는데 도움이 되셨나요?

모두들 약물 대신 평소 식습관을  조절하여 깨끗하고 예쁜 몸을 만들기 바랍니다.  글이 유익하거나 재미있다면 구독 부탁드리겠습니다.





I think many people who exercise know how important the effects of male hormones on muscle strength and muscle growth are.
That's why it's a field of great interest from supplements to drugs. 
However, male hormones are said to have a significant genetic component and are heavily influenced by their usual eating habits, so I prepared a post today.

Today's theme is "Five Foods That Will Increase Male Hormones."

The first is saturated fat and monounsaturated fat.
Many studies show that eating 35 to 40% of the total calories per day as dietary fat greatly increases the secretion of male hormones in the body.
This is because male hormones are synthesized in cholesterol, but it is said that highly unsaturated fats containing omega-6 rather than saturated and unsaturated fats have the opposite effect because they cause inflammatory reactions in the body.

Therefore, it is recommended to enjoy foods high in healthy saturated fats and cholesterol, such as coconut oil and egg yolks, instead of reducing intake of canola oil and sunflower oil. In addition, in the case of monounsaturated fats such as olive oil, the secretion of male hormones increased by 17.4% when Moroccan men were added to the diet for three weeks.

Many people say that when they start exercising, they increase the amount of protein and reduce the amount of fat and carbohydrates, but if diet is not the main purpose, this diet is not a good diet for the secretion of male hormones.

So if muscle growth is the goal, it's better to eat carbohydrates and high-quality fats with the right amount of protein, right?

The second food is ginger.
Many studies conducted in rodents have shown that ginger can help produce male hormones.
In addition, the results of an experiment on 75 Iraqi men also showed that ginger intake had the effect of increasing male hormone levels by 17.7%.
In fact, ginger has the effect of increasing the production of luteinizing hormones that help form male hormones.

The third one is clams.
Among them, oysters are known to be very effective in increasing male hormones.
In addition, shellfish are the best source of vitamin D that can be consumed as food, and as studies show, vitamin D and male hormones correlate with each other and have the highest levels of vitamin D and male hormones in the summer when they are exposed to the sun for a longer time.

Shellfish have a huge amount of zinc as well as vitamin D, which is a very good food for male vitality and hormones because the lack of zinc negatively affects male hormones.

Fourth is flat land and vegetables.
Broccoli, kale, and cauliflower are these vegetables, and a small amount is converted into female hormones due to the aromatization of male hormones produced in the body.
For flatland and plants, Indole-3-carbinol is said to play a role in preventing the process.
As female hormones increase, the secretion of luteinizing hormones, a male hormone product, is suppressed, so it is helpful to eat vegetables in your stomach.

The last one is pomegranate.
In an experiment conducted on 55 people, 100% pomegranate juice was consumed for two weeks, resulting in a 24% increase in male hormone levels on average.
Pomegranate is also said to have the effect of suppressing the aromatase effect of male hormones like flat land and plants.

I looked into foods that increase male hormones like this today, did it help?
Everyone, instead of taking medication, please adjust your normal eating habits to make a clean and pretty body. If my writing is beneficial or interesting, please subscribe.
Thank you.

