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닭가슴살 대체, 소고기 우둔살로 건강하게 면역력 챙기기!

by agrowingmanlee💪🏻 2024. 9. 28.


오늘은 닭가슴살 대체 음식 3탄입니다. 많은 분들이 쉽게 구할  있고 저렴한 가격 덕분에 닭가슴살을 주로 이용하다 물리는 시기가 찾아오게 됩니다.

그럴 때를 위에서 조금씩 사다 놓으면 좋은 우둔살 대해 알아보겠습니다.



우둔살은 소의 엉덩이에 붙은 살코기인데 재미있는 얘기 있습니다. 소의 엉덩이 부분,  뒤쪽에 붙어 있기 때문에 배설 기관과 관계되어 더러움을 상상하게 되므로 쇠고기 이름으로 엉덩이 살이 쓰이기에 꺼려졌다고 합니다.

그렇게 탄생한 것이 우둔이라고 한자명으로 불렀다는 얘기가 있는데 재미있지 않나요?


이렇게 재미있는 부위는 지방이 적고 살코기가 많아 담백한 맛이 좋고 식감 또한 나쁘지 않아 여러 요리 재료로 사용 됩니다.

대표적으로 살결의 결이 곱기 때문에 장조림이나 육포, 담백한 맛과 좋은 육향 덕에 불고기 주로 사용 됩니다.


그럼 이제 우리에게 중요한 영양 성분을 살펴 봐야겠죠?

100g 기준으로 본다면 137 kcal 라는 상당히 합리적인 칼로리를 가지고 있습니다. 이는 닭가슴살 100g 비교해도 별반 차이 없는 칼로리입니다.

 지방이 4.94 비해 다른 소나 돼지 부위에 비해 적은 편이고, 단백질은 22.17g으로 닭가슴살 보다  높은 함량을 보유하고 있습니다.


 정도만 보아도 닭가슴살을 대체하기에 손색 없는 단백질 식품이죠?

하지만 이와 더불어 철분과 아연, 비타민D 또한 소고기에는 풍부한데 철분은 체내 산소 공급을 원활하게 해주며 건강한 면역 체계를 형성하는데 빠질  없는영양소입니다.

우둔살에는 동물성 철분인 헴철이 풍부하게 함유 되어 있어서 요즘같은 역병이 창궐한 시대에 면역력을 지키기 위해 더할 나위 없이 좋은 식품이겠습니다.


아연이란 미네랄 성분은 백혈구 생성에 관여하여 면역 기능을 유지하는데 도움을 주죠.

아연이 부족하면 면역 기능이 무너져 염증이나 감염 질환에 쉽게 노출될  있기 때문에 균형 잡힌 우둔살 섭취로 건강을 챙길  있습니다.

나아가 아연은 신체의 성장과 뇌의 발육에도 중추적인 역할을 하는 영양소이므로 어린 아이부터 성장기의 학생들에게도 상당히 유용한 영양소입니다.


비타민D 육류와 유제품, 지방이 많은 생선 등에 많이 함유되어 있는 영양소로 면역력 증진이 주된 효과입니다.

바이러스나 세균이 체내에 침투 했을  항균펩타이드(항균성 단백질) 생성을 촉진시켜 우리의 건강을 지켜주죠. 

비타민D 햇빛을 통해서 체내에 합성될  있지만 식품으로 섭취하는 것이 면역력에  효과가 있습니다.


단백질을 제외한 다른 주요한 영양소를 본다면 요즘 시국과  맞는 면역력 관련 효과가 많습니다.

현대인들의 대부분이 무너진 생활과 스트레스로 인해 면역체계가 많이 무너져 있는데, 많은 단백질도 얻고 건강도 얻을  있는 소고기 우둔살 한번 구매해보시면 어떨까요?


오늘의 포스팅은 여기까지입니다.



Today is the third episode of chicken breast replacement food. It's easy to get and affordable for many people, so there's a time when they usually use chicken breasts and get bitten.
If you buy a little bit of that time from the top, we'll find out about the good 'Udunsal'.

The rump is the flesh attached to a cow's buttocks, and there is an interesting story. It is said that because it is attached to the cow's buttocks, that is, to the back, it is related to the excrement organs and imagines dirt, so it was reluctant to use the buttocks as a name for beef.
Isn't it interesting to hear that it was called "Woodun" in Chinese characters?

These fun parts are used as various cooking ingredients because they are low in fat and have a lot of lean meat, so they taste light and the texture is not bad.
It is mainly used for bulgogi because of its meaty texture, such as braised marinated beef, beef jerky, and its light taste and good meat aroma.

So now we need to look at the nutritional ingredients that are important to us, right?
Based on 100g, it has a fairly reasonable calorie of 137 kcal. This is a calorie that is not much different compared to 100g of chicken breasts.
In addition, it has less fat than other cow or pig parts compared to 4.94, and protein is 22.17g, which is higher than chicken breast.

It's a protein food that's perfect for replacing chicken breasts, right?
However, iron, zinc, and vitamin D are also abundant in beef, and iron is an essential nutrient for smoothing the body's oxygen supply and forming a healthy immune system.
The rump is rich in heme iron, an animal iron, so it will be an indispensable food to protect immunity in this day and age of plague.

The mineral zinc helps maintain immune function by being involved in the production of white blood cells.
Lack of zinc destroys immune function, making it easy to be exposed to inflammation or infectious diseases, so you can take care of your health by eating balanced rickets.
Furthermore, zinc is a nutrient that plays a pivotal role in the growth of the body and the development of the brain, so it is also a very useful nutrient for students from young children to growing up.

Vitamin D is a nutrient that is high in meat, dairy products, and fatty fish, and the main effect is to improve immunity.
It protects our health by promoting the production of antibacterial peptides (antibacterial proteins) when viruses or bacteria penetrate the body. 
Vitamin D can be synthesized in the body through sunlight, but taking it as food has a great effect on immunity.

If you look at other major nutrients except protein, there are many immune-related effects that are perfect for the current situation.
Most of the modern people's immune systems are collapsed due to the collapsed life and stress, so why don't you buy beef tusks that can gain a lot of protein and health?

That's all for today's posting.
Thank you.

