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단백질 보충제와 여드름의 상관관계 🏥

by agrowingmanlee💪🏻 2024. 9. 18.


여러분들은 단백질 보충제를 섭취하면 여드름이 난다는 얘기 들어 보셨나요?

저는 단백질 보충제를 처음 접한 시기와 군대 일병 시절이 같았는데, 그때를 기점으로 얼굴에 모낭염과 여드름이 나기 시작했습니다.

 이상하죠. 정말 단백질 보충제 때문인지 다른 이유가 있는 것인지.


그래서 오늘은 단백질 보충제와 여드름의 상관관계에 대해 논문에 근거하여 설명 해볼까 합니다.


먼저 단백질 보충제와 여드름에 관한 논문들을 간단하게 살펴 보도록 하겠습니다.

참고  논문들은 아래와 같습니다.

- Incidence of acne vulgaris in young adult users of protein-calorie supplements in the city of João Pessoa – PB 

- Acne and whey protein supplementation among bodybuilders 

- Whey protein precipitating moderate to severe acne flares in 5 teenaged athletes 

- Acne located on the trunk, whey protein supplementation: Is there any association?


단백질 보충제를 먹고 나서 여드름이 나기 시작했다.’, ‘유청 단백질 섭취  건강한 남성 5명에게 여드름이 나타났다.’, ‘유청 단백질은 여드름을 촉진하는 유제품의 일부일  있다.’, ‘유청 단백질을 섭취   몸통에 여드름이 나타났다.’   가지의 논문 결과들만 살펴봐도 단백질 보충제 섭취는 여드름을 유발한다는 것을   있습니다.



그래서  원인을 살펴보면 우유와 유청 단백질 제품은 인슐린 IGF-1이라는 호르몬의 혈장 농도 상승에 기여한다고 하는데, 바로   호르몬이 여드름 발생의 주요 원인이라고 합니다.

그러므로 우유 또는 유청 단백질 제품의 섭취를 멈추면 여드름이  이상 생기지 않아야 하겠죠?


하지만 해외 여드름 전문 웹사이트를 살펴보면 유청 단백질 섭취가 인슐린과 IGF-1 상승에 기여할  있지만   호르몬들은 사실 섭취하는 칼로리 양에  영향을 받는다고 말합니다.


‘Appetite and Endocrine Regulators of Energy Balance After 2 Days of Energy Restriction: Insulin, Leptin, Ghrelin, and DHEAS’

이 논문은 고칼로리 식단과 저칼로리 식단의 인슐린의 농도를 비교 하였는데 저 칼로리 섭취 그룹에서 낮은 수준의 인슐린 농도가 나타났고, 또 다른 논문(Effects of acute caloric restriction compared to caloric balance on the temporal response of the IGF-I system)에서는 저칼로리 식단에서 IGF-1의 농도가 적당한 칼로리를 섭취 했을 때에 비해 훨씬 낮은 농도가 나타났습니다.


즉 칼로리 섭취량이 높으면 단백질 보충제 섭취와 무관하게 두 호르몬의 농도가 높아질 수 있다는 것을 의미합니다.


그래서 앞선 단백질 보충제 섭취와 여드름 관련 연구들을 확인 해보면, 단백질 보충제를 섭취했다는 것 이외에 총 칼로리 섭취량은 고려되지 않았으며 소수의 인원에 의해 도출 된 결과였습니다.


나아가 단백질 보충제를 섭취하는 사람들은 대부분 체중x 0.8g 을 채우기 위한 일반적인 칼로리 섭취가 아니라 근육을 성장 시키기 위해 더 많은 단백질과 함께 근육의 재료가 되기 위한 더 많은 칼로리를 섭취하는 사람이 대부분입니다.


그렇기 때문에 유청 단백질 보충제를 섭취했다는 것이 여드름을 유발하는 직접적인 원인이라고 보기에는 다소 맞지 않는 부분이 있습니다.


물론 단백질 보충제 섭취가 여드름 유발 원인 중 하나가 될 수 있지만, 그와 더불어 많은 칼로리 섭취가 여드름을 가져 온다고 말하는 것이 적합한 표현이라고 생각합니다.


단백질을 먹고 피부 고민을 하시던 분들에게 어느정도 도움이 되셨나요?

오늘의 글은 여기서 마치도록 하겠습니다. 감사합니다.




Have you ever heard of acne when you take protein supplements?
It was the same time I first encountered protein supplements and when I was a private in the military, and that's when I started getting folliculitis and acne on my face.
It's weird. Is it really because of protein supplements or for any other reason.

So today, I'm going to explain the correlation between protein supplements and acne based on the paper.

First, let's briefly look at the papers on protein supplements and acne.
The papers referenced are as follows.
- Incidence of acne vulgaris in young adult users of protein-calorie supplements in the city of João Pessoa – PB 
- Acne and whey protein supplementation among bodybuilders 
- Whey protein precipitating moderate to severe acne flares in 5 teenaged athletes 
- Acne located on the trunk, whey protein supplementation: Is there any association?

I started getting acne after taking protein supplements, five healthy men developed acne after eating whey protein, and whey protein may be a part of the dairy product that promotes acne, and after eating whey protein, acne appeared on the body.

So if you look at the cause, milk and whey protein products are said to contribute to the increase in plasma concentrations of hormones called insulin and IGF-1, and these two hormones are the main causes of acne.
So if I stop eating milk or whey protein products, I shouldn't get any more acne, right?

However, if you look at overseas acne websites, they say that whey protein intake can contribute to insulin and IGF-1 rise, but these two hormones are actually more affected by the amount of calories they consume.

‘Appetite and Endocrine Regulators of Energy Balance After 2 Days of Energy Restriction: Insulin, Leptin, Ghrelin, and DHEA‐S’
This paper compared the concentration of insulin in the high-calorie and low-calorie diets, and low levels of insulin concentration were found in the low-calorie intake group, and another paper (Effects of Acute Caloric Restoration combined to the temporal response of the IGF-I system) showed that IGF-1 concentration in the low-calorie diet was much lower than when moderate calories were consumed.

In other words, high calorie intake means that the concentration of both hormones can be increased regardless of protein supplement intake.

So if you look at previous studies on protein supplement intake and acne, total calorie intake was not considered other than protein supplement intake, and it was derived by a small number of people.

Furthermore, most people who take protein supplements consume more calories to become a muscle material along with more protein to grow their muscles, rather than a typical calorie intake to fill their body weight x 0.8g.

Therefore, taking whey protein supplements is somewhat inappropriate to be the direct cause of acne.

Of course, taking protein supplements can be one of the causes of acne, but I think it is appropriate to say that a lot of calorie intake brings acne.

For those of you who ate protein and were worried about your skin, how much did it help you?
That's it for today. Thank you

