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음주와 근손실의 관계🍺

by agrowingmanlee💪🏻 2024. 9. 7.

안녕하세요.여러분들은 술을 좋아하시나요저는 친구들과 함께하는 술자리도개인적으로 즐기는 술자리도 모두 좋아하고 주량도 상당한 편입니다.

그렇기때문에 다이어트에 있어 가장 힘든 것이 식단 조절보다 술을 끊는 것이 가장 힘든 부분입니다.

글을 읽고 계신 분들은 어떠신가요?


그렇게 오늘 포스팅해  주제는 술이 다이어트와 근성장에 미치는 영향'입니다.



 부분에 앞서 두가지 부분에 대해서 이야기 해보겠습니다. 

술을 단시간에 많이 마시면 우리 몸에서 일어나는 변화에 관한 것과 장기적으로 술을 마시면 일어나는 몸의 변화입니다.

일단 어떤 영양소라도 과도하게 섭취하게 되면 우리 몸에 지방으로 저장되는데요. 쉽게 말해 우리가 사용하는 칼로리보다 많이 먹게 되면 살이 찌게 되는 것이고, 반대로 적게 되면 살이 빠지게 되는 것입니다.


하지만 여기서 흥미로운 점은 과연 술이 에너지 균형과 열역학을 깨뜨리는 지의 여부와 술이 다른 영양소들 보다 우리를  살찌게 만드는 지의 여부라고 생각합니다.

칼로리의 섭취량과 소비량이 체중 변화에 주된 요인이기 때문입니다.


먼저 술이 우리 몸에 들어갈  어떤 일이 일어나는지 이해하는게 도움이  것입니다.

체내에 들어온 술은 먼저 혈류로 흡수되게 되는데, 이때 간은 알콜을 독성 물질과 상당히 유사한 방법으로 분해하기 시작합니다.

이때 다른 영양소는 뒤로 밀리게 되고, 알콜을 가장 먼저 사용합니다. 탄수화물과 다른 영양소는 일단 체지방으로 저장되게 됩니다.


따라서 알콜 자체는 우리를 뚱뚱하게 만들지 않습니다.

들어가자 마자 바로 대사로 쓰이기 때문에  찌우거나 하지 않습니다. 다만, 함께 섭취하는 영양소들이  쉽게 지방으로 저장되게 됩니다.


그렇다면 여러분들이 가장 조심해야 하는 것들은 무엇일까요?

그것은 음주  폭식이라고 생각합니다. 술을 마시는  자체가 식욕 억제 호르몬을 낮추기 때문에 살을 빼는 것이 목적이라면 일단 피하는 것이 가장 좋습니다.


하지만 반대로 체중 감소에 도움이 되는 경우도 있는데, 지속적이고 장기적인 다이어트로 인해 감정적인 스트레스를 해소하기 위해 한번씩 가벼운 음주로 해소가 가능하다면 다이어트를 위한 활력을 제공   있을 것입니다.

물론 섭취  칼로리가 사용하는 칼로리양보다 적어야 합니다.


그럼 술이 근육에 어떤 영향을 알아볼 때입니다.

먼저 남성호르몬에 미치는 영향을 알아보겠습니다. ‘Testosterone increases in men after a low dose of alcohol’ 여기를 보시면 적당한 양의 음주는 테스토스테론 수치를 17%까지 올려준다는 결과가 있습니다. 

물론  정도로 근육량을 기하학적으로 증가시켜줄 것이라고 기대하기 어렵습니다.

하지만 여기서 알콜 섭취량을 늘리기 시작하면 오히려 수치가 급격히 떨어지기 시작하는데,  취한 응급실 방문자의 혈액 샘플들을 연구해본 결과 테스토스테론 수치가 45%까지 감소 했다고 알려줍니다.


하지만 여성의 경우 테스토스테론 수치가  높게 나왔다고 합니다.

이유는 알콜이 고환에서 나오는 테스토스테론 분비 억제 효과가 있기 때문이라고 설명 해줍니다.


테스토스테론 매우 강력한 단백 동화 호르몬이기 때문에 근육을 만드는 입장에서 가능한 수치를 높게 유지하는 것이 유리하지만, 과연 과학은 알콜과 직접적인 근육 성장에 관해 무엇이라고 말해줄까요?

 연구를 보면 일반적인 추세는 특히 운동  알콜 섭취가 근육 단백질 합성을 억제한다고 알려줍니다.

설치류를 상대로 실험을  많은 연구 결과들도 비슷한 반응을 보였고, 2014년에 ‘pairing colleagues’에서 진행한 human study에서는 운동  많은 양의술을 마시게 되었을  단백질 합성률이 37% 떨어졌다고 알려줍니다.


심지어 합성에 가장 효율적인 양을 섭취 했을 때도 24%까지 감소되었습니다.

하지만  연구는 남성들만 연구한 결과이며, 남성 호르몬 분비와 마찬가지로 단백질 합성과 관련해서도 남성에게만 이런 결과가 나타나는 것으로 보여집니다.


따라서 술에 따른 근성장의 부정적인 영향은 여성보다 남성에게 크다고   있습니다.

하지만 근성장에 있어 가장 부정적인 술의 효과는 다음날 수행능력이 크게 저하된다는 것인데, 여러분들도 과음을 하고  다음  생활이 힘든 것을 느낄 있습니다.


그렇기때문에 과학적인 측면을 떠나 운동하기 전에 과도한 음주는 볼륨 트레이닝에 있어 가장  부정적인 효과라고   있겠습니다.


오늘 포스팅은 여기서 마치겠습니다.  글이 도움이 되셨다면 블로그 구독 부탁드리겠습니다.






Do you like drinking? I like both drinking with my friends and I enjoy drinking personally, and I can drink a lot.
That's why the hardest part of dieting is quitting drinking rather than controlling your diet.
Those of you who are reading, how is it?

So the topic I'm going to post today is 'The effect of alcohol on diet and muscle growth'.

Let's talk about two things before this. 
If you drink a lot in a short time, it's about the changes that occur in our body and the changes in our body that occur when you drink in the long term.
Once we consume any nutrient in excess, it is stored as fat in our body. Simply put, if we eat more than the calories we use, we gain weight, and if we eat less, we lose weight.

But I think what's interesting here is whether alcohol breaks the energy balance and thermodynamics, and whether it makes us gain more weight than other nutrients.
This is because the intake and consumption of calories are the main factors in weight change.

First, it will help you understand what happens when alcohol enters our body.
The alcohol that enters the body is first absorbed into the bloodstream, when the liver begins to break down the alcohol in a way that is quite similar to a toxic substance.
Other nutrients are pushed back at this time, and alcohol is used first. Carbohydrates and other nutrients are stored as body fat.

So alcohol itself doesn't make us fat.
It is used as a metabolism as soon as you enter, so you don't gain more weight. However, the nutrients you eat together are stored in fat more easily.

So what are the things that you should be most careful about?
I think it's binge eating after drinking alcohol. If your goal is to lose weight, it's best to avoid drinking alcohol itself because it lowers appetite suppressor hormones.

However, on the contrary, there are cases that help you lose weight, and if you can relieve your emotional stress by drinking light once in a while due to a continuous and long-term diet, you can provide vitality for your diet.
Of course, the total calories consumed should be less than the amount of calories used.

So it's time to find out how alcohol affects your muscles.
First, let's look at the effect on male hormones. "Testosterone increses a men after a low dose of alcohol." If you look here, there's a result that moderate amounts of drinking can raise testosterone levels by 17%. 
Of course, it's hard to expect it to increase muscle mass this much geometrically.
However, when you start increasing your alcohol intake here, your levels start to drop sharply, and after studying blood samples from drunk emergency room visitors, you can see that your testosterone levels have decreased by 45%.

However, in the case of women, testosterone levels were higher.
It explains that the reason is that alcohol has the effect of inhibiting testosterone secretion from the testicles.

Since testosterone is a very powerful anabolic hormone, it is advantageous to keep the levels as high as possible from a muscle-building standpoint, but what does science say about alcohol and direct muscle growth?
A study suggests that the general trend is that alcohol consumption, especially after exercise, inhibits muscle protein synthesis.
Many studies conducted on rodents showed similar reactions, and a human study conducted by Pairing Collegues in 2014 tells us that when we drank a lot of alcohol after exercise, the protein synthesis rate dropped by 37%.

Even when the most efficient amount for synthesis was ingested, it was reduced by 24%.
However, this study is only studied by men, and like the secretion of male hormones, it seems that this result only appears in men when it comes to protein synthesis.

Therefore, it can be seen that the negative effect of muscle growth from alcohol is greater for men than for women.
However, the most negative effect of alcohol on muscle growth is that the next day's performance is greatly reduced, and you may feel that life is difficult the next day after drinking too much.

That's why excessive drinking before exercising, regardless of the scientific aspect, is the biggest negative effect on volume training.

That's all for today's posting. If my post helped, please subscribe to my blog.
Thank you.

