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연어 칼로리와 영양성분

by agrowingmanlee💪🏻 2024. 10. 20.

안녕하세요 🙇🏻‍♂️

이번 포스팅의 주제로 선정된 것은 바로 연어입니다. 생활 체육의 발전과 함께 많은 분들이 건강한 식재료에 대한 관심을 높이고 있는 지금, 시기를  만난 식재료가 연어인  같습니다.

이번 글에서는 연어의 칼로리 영양성분, 효능 등을 알아보도록 하겠습니다.


(맛좋은연어 내가 제일 좋아하는 연어 사진보니까 먹고 싶다 츄릅)


연어 연어과에 속하며 몸길이가 70cm 정도 되는 은백색의 생선입니다. 과거에는 동양보다 서양에서 인기가 좋은 식재료로 각광 받았지만 요즘은 우리나라에서도 흔하게 구할  있는 재료가 되었죠. 

서양에서는 특히 독일, 네덜란드  라인  주변국 사람들이 사랑하는 재료라고 하네요.

근데 연어는 바다 생선으로 알고 있는데  라인  주변국 사람들이 쉽게 접하는 음식 재료가 되었을까요?

그의 대한 답은 연어가 가진 모천회귀 본능 때문이라고 합니다.

연어가 강에서 산란하며 치어일  1 동안 강에서 살다 바다로 내려간다고 합니다. 그러니 바다 생선으로만 알고 있는 것은 절반만 맞는 셈이죠.

그렇게 바다에서 성장을 마친 연어는 알을 낳을 때가 되면 자신이 태어난 하천으로 거슬러 올라 간다고 합니다. 다큐멘터리에서 보면 곰들이 하천에서 기다리다가 떠오르는 연어를 낚아채는 모습 또한  본능에 근거한 것이죠.

하지만 이런 곰이나 대형 어류, 새와 같은 천적에게 잡아 먹히는 빈도가 상당하여 회귀 확률은 상당히 낮다고 합니다.

저희가 마트에서 쉽게 접할  있는 연어의 경우 붉은색의 살과 흰색의 지방층이 겹겹이 쌓여 있는 것을   있는데 이런 종류는 양식에서 나타나는 특징이라고 합니다.

자연산 연어의 경우 지방층이 거의 없고 붉은색의 살결이 대부분을 차지한다고 하죠.


그렇다면 연어의 칼로리 영양성분 어떻게 될까요?

연어의 칼로리 100g 160 kcal입니다. 저희가 흔히 알고 있는 다이어트 식품 군이라고 하기에 상당히 높은 칼로리입니다.

아마 단백질이 21g으로 닭가슴살과 비슷한 고단백 식품이라 그런 말들이 생겨   같습니다.

지방은 8.4g으로 우둔살, 닭가슴살 등과 비교했을  비교적 높은 편에 속하며 단백질 흡수를 돕는 비타민 b2, b6 많이 들어 있다고 합니다.

나아가 비타민D, 마그네슘 풍부하기 때문에  건강에도 좋죠. 

여기서 비타민 D 지방에 융해 되는 비타민으로서 골격 형성에 필요한 칼슘을 대장과 콩팥에 흡수시키도록 돕고, 부갑상선에서 생산되는 파라토르몬, 칼시토닌과 협동하여 칼슘을 알맞게 골수로 운반합니다. 이러한 현상은 뼈대가 정상적으로 형성되는데 지대한 영향을 끼치게 되죠.

한편 비타민D 결핍은 뼈의 성장에 있어 장애를 야기하는데요. 이에 따른 대표적인 질병으로 후천성 구루병, 현기증 등이 있을  있고, 반대로 과다 섭취할 경우 간에 축적 되어 고칼슘혈증, 식욕 부진등의 부작용을 초래할  있다고 합니다,.

이렇게 인체에 유익한 영양성분 말고도 연어의 지방에는 동맥경화나 혈전을 예방하는 EPA 뇌의 활동을 촉진시키는 DHA 함유되어 있습니다.

여기서 DHA ‘Docosahexaenoic acid’ 줄임 말로 등푸른 생선의 지방에 많이 함유되어 있는 다가불포화 지방산입니다.

 세포의 원형질에 10% 정도 함유되어 있으며,  기능을 향상 시키는 역할을 한다고 알려져 있습니다. 이외에도 LDL 수치를 낮추고, 치매나 일부 암에도효과가 있는 것으로 알려져 있으니 우리가 연어를 마다  이유가 없겠죠?

이미 미국심장학회가 발표한 자료에 따르면 매주 2 정도 연어  기름진 생선의 섭취를 권장하고 있습니다.. 


그렇다면 연어의 섭취는 어떻게?

먼저 연어를 구매할 때에는 육질이 선홍색을 띄며 지방에  힘줄이 섞여 있는 것을 고르는 것이 선도가 좋다고 합니다. 맛은 산란기 직전에 바다에서 잡은 것이 최고로 알려져 있으며, 이미 거슬러 올라와 강에서 잡힌 연어는 비교적 맛이 떨어진다고 합니다. (포식자인 곰들은 맛따위 신경 쓰지 않나 봅니다.)

연어에는 염분과 콜레스테롤이 상당량 들어 있는 것으로 알려져 유의할 사항이며, 너무 강한 불에 또는 오래 조리 되었을 경우 퍽퍽한 식감을  맛을해친다고 합니다.

연어는 인기도 좋고 맛도 좋습니다. 그에 비례해 칼로리 또한 낮지 않기 때문에 다이어트를 하시는 분들은 주의하며 섭취하시기 바랍니다.

다이어트 식품이라는 텍스트만 읽고 맹목적으로 달려 들었다가는 쓴 맛을 볼 수 있습니다.


, 오늘은 슈퍼 푸드 연어 칼로리와 영양성분 대해 알아 보았는데 도움이 되셨나요?

10개에 가까운 포스팅을 올리면서  분이나  글을 읽어 주셨을까 매일 확인하는게 습관이 되어버렸네요.

아직은 3분도 봐주지 않는 글이지만 꾸준히 양질의 정보를 업로드 하겠습니다.

부족하지만   읽어 주셔서 감사합니다.




Salmon: The Perfect Ingredient for a Healthy Lifestyle

As more people are focusing on fitness and well-being, healthy ingredients are becoming increasingly popular, and one of those superfoods that fits right into this trend is none other than salmon. In this post, we’ll dive into the caloric content, nutritional profile, and benefits of salmon, giving you a well-rounded understanding of why it deserves a spot on your plate.

(Just looking at pictures of delicious salmon makes my mouth water!)

Salmon belongs to the Salmonidae family and is known for its silvery body, growing up to about 70 cm long. While it was once more popular in the West than in the East, it has now become a common ingredient in many households across South Korea. In fact, countries along the Rhine River, like Germany and the Netherlands, are particularly fond of salmon. But wait—if salmon is a saltwater fish, how did it become a staple in these inland countries?

The answer lies in salmon's fascinating "anadromous" nature. Salmon are born in freshwater rivers, spend about a year in those waters as juveniles, and then migrate to the ocean. So, it’s only half true to say that salmon are purely saltwater fish. When they reach maturity and are ready to spawn, they swim back upstream to the very rivers where they were born. You’ve probably seen documentaries where bears scoop up leaping salmon from rivers—this dramatic return journey is part of the salmon’s lifecycle. Unfortunately, many salmon don’t make it back due to predators like bears, large fish, and birds.

When you pick up salmon at the store, you’re likely looking at farm-raised salmon, which has layers of white fat streaked through its pink flesh. Wild-caught salmon, on the other hand, is leaner, with deeper red flesh and little to no visible fat.

What About Salmon's Caloric and Nutritional Value?

Salmon contains approximately 160 calories per 100 grams, which is relatively high for something often touted as a "diet food." The reason it’s still a favorite for those seeking to lose weight or build muscle is its high protein content—21 grams per 100 grams, similar to chicken breast. It also contains 8.4 grams of fat, which is higher than lean meats like beef sirloin or chicken breast. However, this fat is rich in omega-3 fatty acids, which provide numerous health benefits.

In addition, salmon is packed with essential vitamins like B2, B6, and D. Vitamin D, a fat-soluble vitamin, aids in calcium absorption, making it essential for bone health. It works alongside hormones like parathyroid hormone and calcitonin to ensure that calcium is properly transported to the bones, which is crucial for skeletal development. A deficiency in vitamin D can lead to conditions like rickets or dizziness, while overconsumption can cause harmful effects like hypercalcemia or loss of appetite due to excessive calcium in the blood.

Besides these valuable nutrients, salmon’s fat is also rich in EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), which help prevent arteriosclerosis, blood clots, and support brain function. DHA, commonly found in oily fish, is a type of polyunsaturated fatty acid that makes up about 10% of the brain’s cellular structure. It’s been shown to improve brain function and reduce LDL cholesterol levels. Studies even suggest that DHA may help prevent dementia and certain types of cancer. With such wide-ranging benefits, it’s no wonder that the American Heart Association recommends consuming fatty fish like salmon at least twice a week.

How to Choose and Enjoy Salmon

When selecting salmon, look for flesh that’s a vibrant pink color with clear white marbling. The freshest and tastiest salmon is often caught right before spawning season while still in the ocean. Salmon that has already made its way upstream tends to be less flavorful (though bears don’t seem to mind).

Keep in mind that while salmon is a nutritional powerhouse, it also contains a notable amount of sodium and cholesterol, so moderation is key. Also, overcooking salmon or exposing it to high heat for too long can lead to a dry, unappetizing texture—so be mindful of your cooking technique.

Salmon is undeniably delicious and nutritious, but it’s important to remember that it’s not exactly a low-calorie food. For those watching their weight, it’s wise to incorporate salmon into a balanced diet without overindulging. Don’t let the “diet food” label fool you into thinking you can eat unlimited amounts!

