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힙업 밴드 효과 - 정말 애플힙 만들 수 있을까?

by agrowingmanlee💪🏻 2024. 10. 22.

안녕하세요 여러분.

오늘은  트레이닝을 주로 하시는 분들이나 여성들이 좋아 할만한 주제를 들고 왔습니다,

요즘 헬스장에서 심심치 않게 보이는 '힙업 밴드'입니다. 혹시 가지고 계신 분들이나 사용하시는 분들이 계신가요?

개인적으로 근육은 중량을 쳐야지 비대해   있다는 생각을 가진 사람이다 보니 문뜩 궁금해졌습니다.

과연 힙업 밴드만으로 엉덩이 근육,  둔근의 크기를 키울  있을까?



원래 힙업 밴드라는 소도구는 외국에서 주로 판매 되었던 상품인데 요즘 들어 급격하게 한국에도 유입이 되고 있는  같습니다.

일단  힙업 밴드가 어떻게 탄생 했는지 기원을 살펴 보겠습니다.

사실  도구는 힙업의 용도가 아닌 재활이 주된 용도로서 개발이 되었습니다.  재활의 대상자들은 무릎에 부상을 당했거나 불편이 있는 환자들이었는데요.


무릎 환자 대부분이 중둔근 후부섬유 근력이 굉장히 약하다.’라는 연구결과가 많았고, 약한 중둔근으로 인해 일상 속에서 대퇴골이 계속 내회전이 되고 안으로 모이는 상황이 발생되며 무릎에서의 정렬이 틀어져 연골의 마찰과 인대의 장력이 높아지는 일들이 많아져 결국 통증이 생긴다는 것입니다.


그래서   중둔근의 근력을 향상 시키기 위한 근전도 연구들이 무수히 많았는데,   많은 운동  하나가 스쿼트를   허벅지 사이에 탄성 밴드,  힙업 밴드를 끼고 하는 방법이었습니다.


이러한 방식으로 운동을 진행하게 되면 탄성 밴드에 저항하여 다리를 바깥 쪽으로 회전하며 벌리는 힘을 발휘하게 되는데,    힘을 발휘하는 근옥이 바로 중둔근 후부섬유인거죠.


이러한 방식을 RNT(reactive neuromuscular training)이라고 하는데 보편적으로 재활 운동에서 많이 사용하는 방법이죠.

어떤 특정한 근육이 제대로 활성화가 되지 않을 경우  근육에 활성도를 올리기 위해 밴드로 저항을 걸어 타겟 근육을 깨우는 방식입니다.

그리고 중둔근 뿐만 아니라 대퇴골을 외회전 시키는 기능을 가지고 있는 대둔근의 활성도도 올라간다는 논문도 많이 있습니다.


 이러한 방식들은 근육의 부피를 키우기 위해서 만들어진 것보다 기능을 제대로 수행하지 못하는 근육을 깨어 일을   있게끔 만들어 최종적으로 관절 움직임의 질이  좋아지고 그로 인해 관절에서 생길  있는 문제들을 해결 해주기 위해 만들어진 도구입니다.


마치 필라테스에서 말하는 속근육 컨트롤 하기 위한 운동과 상당히 비슷하다고 보시면 되겠죠?


그리고 언제부터 이렇게 변형 되어진 것인지 모르겠지만, 어느 기점을 통해 밴드가  견고해지며 디자인 면에서도 예쁘게 제작되었고, 힙업을 시켜 준다는 마케팅을 통해 힙업 밴드로 판매되기 시작했습니다.


힙업이라고 하는 것은 간단하게 보았을  대둔근의 벌크업 말하는 것인데, 실제로  밴드가 힙업에 직접적으로 관여 하기 보다는 엉덩이 근육의 활성도가떨어진 상태이거나, 둔근의 힘이 너무 약해 무릎이 안으로 돌아가는 여성들의 경우  힙업 밴드를 차고 스쿼트를 하게 된다면 중둔근의 후부섬유와 외회전에 관여하는 대둔근의 근섬유를 살려   있겠죠.


정리를 해보자면 힙업 밴드만으로 메스컴에서 말하는 예쁘고 탄탄한 엉덩이를 만들기는 힘듭니다. 결국은 중량을 올려 둔근을 직접적으로 자극하는 근력 운동을 해주어야 하는거죠.

하지만 위에서 언급 드렸다시피 둔근의 힘이 약한 분들의 경우 고중량 훈련을 하기 앞서 힙업 밴드를 이용한 웜업 정도로 세트를 가져간다면 효과적인 운동이   있겠습니다.


오늘 글은 여기까지입니다.

부족한  읽어 주셔서 감사합니다.




Can Hip Bands Really Help You Build Glutes? Let’s Find Out!

Today, I’ve got a topic that’s sure to interest anyone who enjoys home workouts or those looking for effective exercises without heavy weights. You’ve probably seen people using hip bands at the gym—maybe you even own one yourself. But here’s the big question: Can you actually build your glutes using just a hip band?

Personally, I’ve always believed that serious muscle growth requires heavy weights. So, naturally, I was curious—can hip bands really help grow your glute muscles, particularly the gluteus maximus?

The Origin of the Hip Band

Originally, hip bands were not designed for glute building at all. In fact, they were primarily used in rehabilitation exercises. They were developed to help individuals with knee injuries or discomfort, particularly those suffering from weak posterior fibers of the gluteus medius.

Research showed that many knee patients had significantly weak gluteus medius muscles, especially the posterior fibers, leading to a common issue where the femur would internally rotate, causing poor knee alignment. This could increase stress on the cartilage and ligaments, leading to knee pain.

To address this, numerous EMG (electromyography) studies were conducted to explore ways to strengthen the gluteus medius. One of the popular methods involved using an elastic band—now widely known as a hip band—during squats. The idea is to resist the elastic band by pushing the knees outward, which in turn activates the posterior gluteus medius.

This technique is called Reactive Neuromuscular Training (RNT), a common method in rehab to activate underperforming muscles by adding resistance, forcing the target muscle to "wake up" and engage. Many studies have shown that this technique can also activate the gluteus maximus, which helps externally rotate the femur.

From Rehab to Trendy Glute Training

Initially, these bands were purely for rehab purposes, helping weak muscles function properly and improving joint stability. However, at some point, these bands evolved—they became sturdier, more aesthetically pleasing, and marketed as hip bands promising a firmer, more lifted booty.

But what exactly does "hip up" mean? In simple terms, it refers to the bulking of the gluteus maximus. While hip bands don’t directly bulk up the glutes, they can help activate muscles that are otherwise dormant or weak, particularly in women whose knees tend to collapse inward during squats due to underdeveloped glutes.

The Verdict: Can Hip Bands Alone Build Glutes?

To sum it up: no, hip bands alone won’t give you the sculpted, firm glutes often portrayed in media. Building muscle mass still requires lifting heavier weights that directly target the glutes. However, for those with weak glutes, incorporating a hip band as part of a warm-up routine before heavier lifts can be an effective way to activate the gluteus medius and maximus, improving form and ensuring your muscles are properly engaged.

That’s it for today’s post. Thanks for reading, and I hope this helps you on your fitness journey!

