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근력 운동(헬스)과 흡연의 상관관계 - 담배를 피면 근육에 어떤 영향을 끼칠까??🚬

by agrowingmanlee💪🏻 2024. 10. 26.


여러분들은 흡연 하시나요? 저는 애연가인 아버지 덕분에 담배는 입에도 대지 않습니다.

많은 분들이 습관적으로 흡연을 하시거나 또는 심신의 안정을 위해, 무료함을 달래기 위해, 스트레스 해소를 위해  여러가지 이유를 대며 흡연을 하고 계십니다.


오늘은 근력 운동과 흡연의 상관관계 대해 논문에 근거하여 작성해보도록 하겠습니다.



American Society for Nutrition에서 진행한 2008 연구 결과에 따르면 흡연자의 조기 사망률  아니라 55,000명의 여성들을 8 동안 추적 관찰한 결과 흡연자 혹은 흡연 경험이 있는 참가자의 체지방 증가가 비흡연자에 비해 월등히 높게 나타났다고 합니다.


그에 더해 Nurse’s Health Study에서는  54,088명의 성인을 대상으로 아래의 세가지 항목으로 세분화 시켜 추적 관찰을 했는데요.

1.     하루 얼마나 흡연을 하는지.

2.     현제 흡연을 하는지

3.     흡연 경험이 전무하지

결과적으로 담배를 피우는 사람들이 그렇지 않은 사람보다 많은 체중 증가를 보였으며, 흥미로운 점은 담배를 피우다 끊은 사람들이 지속적으로 흡연을  사람들보다 많은 체중 증가를 보였다는 입니다.


이에 대해 2013 스위스의  대학 연구 팀에서는 금연  장내에 비만 유발 박테리아가 늘어난다고 추정 했고,  박테리아가 소화 분해 능력을 높여 대부분을 지방으로 변환 시킨다고 추측 했습니다.


그렇다면 과연  결과들이 모두 사실들일까요?


새로운 논문에서는 금연으로 인한 체중 증가 대부분은 근육량과 근력 그리고 골밀도의 증가 때문이라고 지적했습니다.

연구 내용에 따르면 하루 15개피 이상씩, 1 이상 흡연을 한 41명을 대상자로 1 동안 추적 관찰을 진행했는데,   4분의 1 해당하는 참가자들을 완전히 금연하도록 통제 했습니다.

(실험 시작과 끝에 걸쳐 특정 헬스 종목으로 운동 수행 능력들을 통해 측정했다고 알려줍니다.)

결과 금연자, 흡연자 모두 비슷한 식단과 활동량을 유지했음에도 불구하고 금연자들은 평균 5kg 정도의 체중 증가가 있었다고 합니다.

  26% 추가적인 근육량의 증가였고, 20%정도  많은 근력 상승을 보였다고 합니다.


반면에 흡연자의 경우 근력의 변화는 거의 보이지 않았다고 알려지는데요. 단순히 금연을 하는 동안에 근력과 근육양이 올라간다는 것은 상당히 긍정적인 효과라고 연구에서는 알려줍니다.


LiveStrrong에서 조사한 결과에 따르면 금연을 하는 것이 근력 운동을 비롯한 모든 신체 활동에서 높은 효율성을 가져다 주고 이로 인해   근성장을 이룰 있다고 합니다.

그에 더해 흡연이 우리 몸에 미치는 5가지 악영향 말해주는데 아래와 같습니다.


1.     높은 심장 박동으로 혈압이 상승하게 되고 그로 인해 혈액 순환이 원활하게 진행 되지 않아 전체적인 수행 능력과 펌핑감을 감소 시킨다고 합니다.

2.     산소 공급이 원활하게 진행되지 않기 때문에 비흡연자에 비해  많은 점액을 생산하게 되고, 흡연  들어오게 되는 일산화탄소는 혈액 내의 헤모글로빈 분자와 결합하여 산소를 제거한다고 알려줍니다.

3.     남성 호르몬의 저하- 남성이 흡연   남성 호르몬을 생성하는 세포들이 손상을 입기 때문에  낮은 호르몬 수치 보이게 된다.

4.     흡연은 지구력에 부정적인 영향을 끼치는데 심폐지구력이 비흡연자에 비해 낮게 측정 . 그로 인하여  적은 세트 수와 반복 수를 가져가므로 볼륨 트레이닝에 있어 뒤쳐진다고 합니다.


이밖에도 저희가 흔히 알고 있는 흡연의 부작용들은 너무나 많습니다.

백해무익한 흡연을 당장 그만둔다는 것이 정말 어려운 문제라는  알고 있지만, 가능하다면 금연 하시는 것이 근성장과 건강에 있어 많은 도움이  것이라 생각됩니다.


오늘은 논문에서 나타내는 근력 운동과 흡연에 대해서 알아보았는데요,  논문 내용  마음에 들지 않거나 수정 해야  부분이 있다고 생각 되시면 논문을 써서 링크를 보내 주시기 바랍니다.

그럼 제가 작성 해주신 논문을 바탕으로 글을 재생산 하도록 하겠습니다.


오늘도 부족한  읽어 주셔서 감사합니다.



Smoking and Strength Training: What Does the Research Say?

Hello everyone, 🙇🏻‍♂️

Do you smoke? Personally, thanks to my father, who is a heavy smoker, I’ve never even touched a cigarette. Many people smoke for various reasons—whether it's out of habit, to calm their nerves, relieve boredom, or reduce stress.

Today, we’ll be taking a look at the relationship between strength training and smoking, based on findings from scientific studies.

Does Smoking Affect Body Fat and Weight?

According to a 2008 study by the American Society for Nutrition, smoking not only increases the risk of early death but also contributes to higher body fat. In a study that followed 55,000 women for eight years, smokers and those with a history of smoking showed significantly higher body fat levels compared to non-smokers.

Similarly, in the Nurse’s Health Study, researchers tracked 54,088 adults based on three criteria:

  1. How much they smoked each day
  2. Whether they were current smokers
  3. Whether they had never smoked before

The results showed that smokers gained more weight than non-smokers. Interestingly, those who quit smoking gained even more weight than those who continued smoking.

In 2013, a Swiss university research team hypothesized that quitting smoking leads to an increase in obesity-inducing bacteria in the gut. They speculated that this bacteria enhances digestion and converts more food into fat.

Is Weight Gain After Quitting Smoking Always a Bad Thing?

A newer study suggests that much of the weight gained after quitting smoking is due to increases in muscle mass, strength, and bone density. In this study, 41 people who had smoked at least 15 cigarettes a day for over a year were observed for 12 months. About a quarter of the participants were controlled to quit smoking entirely.

(Their physical performance was measured through specific exercises at both the beginning and end of the study.)

Despite following similar diets and activity levels, those who quit smoking gained an average of 5 kg, with 26% of that weight coming from increased muscle mass. Additionally, they showed a 20% greater increase in strength compared to smokers, whose strength showed little to no improvement.

The study highlighted that simply quitting smoking can lead to significant gains in muscle mass and strength, which is quite a positive outcome.

The Benefits of Quitting Smoking on Exercise Performance

According to LiveStrong, quitting smoking boosts efficiency in strength training and all other physical activities, ultimately leading to greater muscle growth. They also list five key ways smoking negatively impacts the body:

  1. Increased heart rate and blood pressure: Smoking raises blood pressure, which hampers blood circulation, leading to reduced overall performance and muscle pump during workouts.
  2. Poor oxygen delivery: Smokers produce more mucus than non-smokers, and the carbon monoxide from smoking binds with hemoglobin, reducing the oxygen available to muscles.
  3. Lower testosterone levels: Smoking damages cells that produce testosterone, leading to decreased hormone levels in men.
  4. Reduced endurance: Smokers have lower cardiovascular endurance than non-smokers, resulting in fewer sets and reps during workouts, which hinders volume training.
  5. Decreased muscle recovery: Smoking negatively affects muscle recovery, meaning smokers may take longer to recover from workouts compared to non-smokers.

Conclusion: Quitting Smoking for Muscle Growth and Health

We all know the countless harmful effects of smoking, but quitting, while difficult, can bring significant benefits to both your muscle growth and overall health. Today, we’ve reviewed several studies that highlight the impact of smoking on strength training. If you disagree with any of the findings or think something needs correction, feel free to send me the links, and I’ll update the post accordingly.

Thank you for reading this post, and I hope it helps you on your journey to better health!

